A text input that allow users to input custom text entries with a keyboard.
import { TextField } from "@kobalte/pigment";
import { TextField } from "@kobalte/pigment";
Basic usage
<TextField placeholder="E-mail" />
<TextField placeholder="E-mail" />
Default value
An initial, uncontrolled value can be provided using the defaultValue
<TextField defaultValue="example@acme.com" placeholder="E-mail" />
<TextField defaultValue="example@acme.com" placeholder="E-mail" />
Controlled value
The value
prop can be used to make the value controlled. The onChange
event is fired when the user type into the input.
Value: example@acme.com
import { TextField } from "@kobalte/pigment";import { createSignal } from "solid-js";function ControlledExample() {const [value, setValue] = createSignal("example@acme.com");return (<div><TextField value={value()} onChange={setValue} placeholder="E-mail" /><p class="text-sm text-content-subtle mt-2">Value: <span class="font-medium italic">{value()}</span></p></div>);}
import { TextField } from "@kobalte/pigment";import { createSignal } from "solid-js";function ControlledExample() {const [value, setValue] = createSignal("example@acme.com");return (<div><TextField value={value()} onChange={setValue} placeholder="E-mail" /><p class="text-sm text-content-subtle mt-2">Value: <span class="font-medium italic">{value()}</span></p></div>);}
Use the multiline
prop to create a multiline text-field. Internally an HTML textarea
will be rendered instead of an input
<TextField multiline placeholder="Tell us more about you..." />
<TextField multiline placeholder="Tell us more about you..." />
The TextField component comes in three sizes: sm
, md
(default) and lg
<TextField size="sm" placeholder="Small" /><TextField size="md" placeholder="Medium" /><TextField size="lg" placeholder="Large" />
<TextField size="sm" placeholder="Small" /><TextField size="md" placeholder="Medium" /><TextField size="lg" placeholder="Large" />
Use the label
prop to provide an accessible label for the text-field.
<TextField label="E-mail" placeholder="example@acme.com" />
<TextField label="E-mail" placeholder="example@acme.com" />
Use the description
prop to associate additional help text with a text-field.
<TextFieldlabel="E-mail"description="We'll never share your email"placeholder="example@acme.com"/>
<TextFieldlabel="E-mail"description="We'll never share your email"placeholder="example@acme.com"/>
Use the leadingIcon
and trailingIcon
props to append icons to either side of the text-field's input.
<TextFieldlabel="E-mail"placeholder="example@acme.com"leadingIcon={<MailIcon />}/><TextFieldlabel="Account number"placeholder="000-00-0000"trailingIcon={<QuestionCircleIcon />}/>
<TextFieldlabel="E-mail"placeholder="example@acme.com"leadingIcon={<MailIcon />}/><TextFieldlabel="Account number"placeholder="000-00-0000"trailingIcon={<QuestionCircleIcon />}/>
If you want to create your own icon components check out the Icon documentation.
Use the leadingSection
and trailingSection
props to append more complex elements than icons to either side of the text-field's input.
Additionally, the leadingSectionWidth
and trailingSectionWidth
can be used to adjust the text-field's input padding to prevent overlapping with the input value.
<TextFieldplaceholder="Search..."leadingSectionWidth={32}leadingSection={<IconButton variant="text" size="sm" class="my-1 ms-1" aria-label="Perform search"><TablerSearchIcon /></IconButton>}/><TextFieldplaceholder="E-mail"trailingSectionWidth={94}trailingSection={<Button variant="solid" size="sm" class="my-1 me-1">Subscribe</Button>}/>
<TextFieldplaceholder="Search..."leadingSectionWidth={32}leadingSection={<IconButton variant="text" size="sm" class="my-1 ms-1" aria-label="Perform search"><TablerSearchIcon /></IconButton>}/><TextFieldplaceholder="E-mail"trailingSectionWidth={94}trailingSection={<Button variant="solid" size="sm" class="my-1 me-1">Subscribe</Button>}/>
The leadingAddon
and trailingAddon
can be used to append elements to either side of the text-field, outside the input.
<TextField placeholder="Twitter" leadingAddon="@" /><TextField placeholder="Height" trailingAddon="inch" /><TextField placeholder="Amount" leadingAddon="$" trailingAddon="USD" />
<TextField placeholder="Twitter" leadingAddon="@" /><TextField placeholder="Height" trailingAddon="inch" /><TextField placeholder="Amount" leadingAddon="$" trailingAddon="USD" />
If your addons are more complex than text, you can pass JSX
elements as value for each prop.
Use Pigment's InputAddon
component to get the same look and feel of "string addons":
<TextFieldplaceholder="Twitter"leadingAddon={<InputAddon class="px-2"><TablerTwitterIcon class="text-xl" /></InputAddon>}/><TextFieldplaceholder="Discord"trailingAddon={<InputAddon placement="trailing" class="px-2"><TablerDiscordIcon class="text-xl" /></InputAddon>}/>
<TextFieldplaceholder="Twitter"leadingAddon={<InputAddon class="px-2"><TablerTwitterIcon class="text-xl" /></InputAddon>}/><TextFieldplaceholder="Discord"trailingAddon={<InputAddon placement="trailing" class="px-2"><TablerDiscordIcon class="text-xl" /></InputAddon>}/>
Or use any component you like for a custom result:
<TextFieldplaceholder="E-mail"trailingAddon={<Button variant="solid" class="rounded-s-none -ms-px">Subscribe</Button>}/>
<TextFieldplaceholder="E-mail"trailingAddon={<Button variant="solid" class="rounded-s-none -ms-px">Subscribe</Button>}/>
Invalid state
Use the invalid
prop to mark the text-field as invalid. Additionally, you can pass an extra error message using the errorMessage
<TextFieldplaceholder="E-mail"defaultValue="example@acme"errorMessage="Please enter a valid email address"invalid/>
<TextFieldplaceholder="E-mail"defaultValue="example@acme"errorMessage="Please enter a valid email address"invalid/>
Disabled state
Use the disabled
prop to disable the text-field.
<TextFieldplaceholder="example@acme.com"label="E-mail"description="We'll never share your email"disabled/>
<TextFieldplaceholder="example@acme.com"label="E-mail"description="We'll never share your email"disabled/>
HTML Form integration
API Reference
Component identifier
The name TextField
can be used when providing default props and slot classes in the theme.
Prop | Description |
ref | Ref<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement> A ref to the inner <input> or <textarea> element. |
inputProps | ComponentProps<"input"> | ComponentProps<"textarea"> Additional props to be spread on the inner <input> or <textarea> element. |
type | "text" | "email" | "tel" | "password" | "url" | "number" | "date" When not multiline, the type of content handled by the text field. |
placeholder | string The placeholder displayed when the text-field is empty. |
value | string The controlled value of the text-field. |
defaultValue | string The default value when initially rendered. Useful when you do not need to control the value. |
onChange | (value: string) => void Event handler called when the value of the text-field changes. |
name | string The name of the text-field, used when submitting an HTML form. See MDN. |
required | boolean default: false Whether the user must fill the text-field before the owning form can be submitted. |
disabled | boolean default: false Whether the text-field is disabled. |
readOnly | boolean default: false Whether the text-field can be checked but not changed by the user. |
invalid | boolean default: false Whether the text-field is invalid regarding the validation rules. |
multiline | boolean default: false Whether the text field should render a <textarea> instead of an <input> . |
size | "sm" | "md" | "lg" default: "md" The size of the text-field. |
label | JSX.Element | (() => JSX.Element) The label that gives the user information on the text-field. |
description | JSX.Element | (() => JSX.Element) The description that gives the user more information on the text-field. |
errorMessage | JSX.Element | (() => JSX.Element) The error message that gives the user information about how to fix a validation error on the text-field. |
errorIcon | JSX.Element | (() => JSX.Element) The icon to show next to the error message. |
leadingIcon | JSX.Element | (() => JSX.Element) The icon to show before the input value. |
trailingIcon | JSX.Element | (() => JSX.Element) The icon to show after the input value. |
leadingSection | JSX.Element | (() => JSX.Element) The element to show before the input value, in place of the leadingIcon . |
trailingSection | JSX.Element | (() => JSX.Element) The element to show after the input value, in place of the trailingIcon . |
leadingSectionWidth | number Width of leading section (in pixel), used to calculate the input padding-inline-start . |
trailingSectionWidth | number Width of trailing section (in pixel), used to calculate the input padding-inline-end . |
leadingAddon | JSX.Element | (() => JSX.Element) The element to show before the input element. |
trailingAddon | JSX.Element | (() => JSX.Element) The element to show after the input element. |
slotClasses | Partial<Record<TextFieldSlots, string>> Addiitonal CSS classes to be passed to the component slots. |
Name | CSS selector | Rendered element | Description |
root | .pg-text-field-root | div | Root element |
label | .pg-text-field-label | label | Label element |
input | .pg-text-field-input | input | textarea | Input element |
leadingIcon | .pg-text-field-leading-icon | div | Leading icon wrapper |
trailingIcon | .pg-text-field-trailing-icon | div | Trailing icon wrapper |
leadingSection | .pg-text-field-leading-section | div | Leading section wrapper |
trailingSection | .pg-text-field-trailing-section | div | Trailing section wrapper |
description | .pg-text-field-description | div | Description/help text element |
errorMessage | .pg-text-field-error-message | div | Error message element |
errorIcon | .pg-text-field-error-icon | div | Error icon wrapper |